Modern Slavery

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for the year ended 5th April 2023

Three Pears Limited (Company Number 01107147) (Inc Three Pears Brands) are opposed to modern slavery in all its forms and we are committed to ensuring that it does not take place in any part of our supply chains. This statement is made underthe requirements of The Modern Slavery Act (2015). Section 54, Part 6.
We are committed to behaving in an ethical manner and with total integrity and transparency in all our businesses and ensuring we have effective systems and
controls to safeguard against any form of modern slavery.

We are a family-owned business based in the West Midlands in the UK and we work and partner with carefully selected and vetted manufacturing partners in the UK. Three Pears was founded in 1973, supplying high volumes of branded and nonbranded toiletries and household goods to independent retailers and market traders at competitive prices.

Today, Three Pears supply chemists, pharmacies, independent and national retailers and cash & carry outlets across the UK and retailers and distributors across 40 countries across the world. Relationships with all our suppliers, customers and related businesses have been established on shared ethical standards. We look to suppliers to ensure that they are aware of and abide by the legal obligations under the modern slavery act (2015). If we are made aware of any issues of non-compliance, we will collaborate with supplier to improve their performance and compliance and we will not wait with them if the non-compliance persists.

Employees have a set of conditions of employment and policies protecting their human rights, health and safety, salaries wages and benefits.Three Pears Ltd have a zero tolerance with respect to slavery and human trafficking and we expect all the individuals in our employment supply chain including any contractors to comply with our values and report any concerns to Mr Edward Dunn chairman. To date we have not been made aware of any act of slavery and human trafficking occurring within our supply chain or our business.

Our policies

We operate policies to make sure that we go about our business in an ethical and transparent manner. These policies include:

• A corporate social responsibility statement
• An antislavery and human trafficking policy and statement
• A recruitment policy
• Employment policies as set out in our employee handbook and associated employment contracts which are compliant with UK legislation.

This handbook insures our employees have good working conditions, reasonable rates of pay, observing the minimum national wage and fair treatment. Three Pears have always traded ethically and historically we have traded globally, and we have always been clear on our business process to identify and help
eradicate modern slavery within our supply chain. To date we have had no issues to address, and we are grateful that our suppliers and our supply chain is also ethical; but we will continue by means of risk assessment of all suppliers, distributors, employees, customers, and agents to identify and assess potential risk.
This statement has been approved by the company’s board of directors on April 4th, 2022, who will review and update as necessary on an annual basis.